Ablaze wants to start a revolution in traffic exchanges
So how do you do just that? Well I have heard that if you want to be a success in the traffic exchange world you need to bring something new to the table.
OK something new….
I got it ….
Something that will take the manual traffic exchange world to the next level ……
I will call it Ablaze X

When I say vacuums what names come to mind Hoover, Eureka, Bissell, & Dirt Devil.? Right?How about Dyson?
They haven’t been around in the vacuum world that long but they sell a ton of them things everyday and there not the best price ( In fact they might me the most expensive and might just be the ugliest things out there) but people buy them cause they fixed things that are wrong or just are Awkward or just plain work better.
Well in manual traffic exchanges there is some major flaws in the way they promote a product. Don’t get me wrong I’m a fan of all traffic exchanges as a whole.
But Ablaze has fixed some major flaws that will have an immediate impact on the way and how people promote products in the manual traffic exchange world. That X factor is what will make it work better.
At first look our surf will look like all the others but it will have that X factor.
We wanted to fix what is fundamentally broken and improve Sign ups, Branding, and sales.
I know you will be so happy with this brand new product from a traffic exchange that has been around since 2004 and has had over 12,000 members walk through the doors and members. Half that is from the last 6 months. Ablaze is growing and making its own waves in the surf world.
A Game Changer ? No! but we are changing HOW the Game is played.
The New Ablaze With Traffic - Where internet marketing meets free and targeted.