Saturday, December 12, 2009

Show your site ( ) Review

This is a review of they are a free banner exchange system which lets you exchange banners with other webmasters.
We signed up a day before getting our rejection letter the letter is as follows:Unfortunately the ShowYourSite।com staff could not accept your application। (You applied with the website Possible reasons can be: * Inappropriate content। See our terms of services. * Language, we only allow sites in english. * Your site was unavailable, and we have not been able to review it. * Too many other banners. * No actual content on your site. * The website is under construction. Please apply again when you are done with the work. * Other reasons not stated here.

If you feel that this is a mistake, feel free to apply again. If you want a more spesific reason please reply to . Regards
The fact our site is compliant with all of the above this leads us to believe that the never looked at our site.
Our rating is 1 out of 5 we recommend you do not use this system.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Another Yahoo new hire promoting Google !!! ?????

Is Yahoo really stooping this low for people to hire. This guy uses Linked-in to announce his new job at yahoo! But uses the more trusty Gmail to get emails. lets be honest this screen shot is worth a thousand words take a look at this linked in profile update and thank god this guy uses Google he might never got the job with yahoo!
Also see my comment on his profile
James Dias
please make this go crazy here is this guys profile address

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Osama Bin-Laden scam runs wild again keep your eyes open I received an email like this don’t fall in the trap: here is the message I received (in red)
TWO SUBJECT LINES of which to be AWARE this is the second time this virus is hitting
E mail's with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the moment that you open these e-mail's your computer will crash and you will not be able to fix it!
1.) If you get an e-mail along the lines of 'Osama Bin Laden Captured' or 'Osama Hanged',don't open the Attachment!
This e-mail is being distributed through countries around the globe, but mainly in the US and Israel
Be considerate and send this warning to whomever you know.
2.) You should be alert during the next few days:
Do not open any message with an attached file called 'Invitation' regardless of who sent it.
It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your computer!!!!
This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list, that is why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts.
It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it
If you receive e-mail called 'invitation', even though sent by a friend. Do not open it! Shut down your computer immediately!
This is the worst virus announced by CNN, it has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever..
This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus.
This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where all of the vital information is kept. finds that this is an old virus it may or may not be making a second round। but you should never open e-mails or forward them because of fear। the creator is trying to make a huge e-mail list for spam। to find out more on things like this do a GOOGLE search and stop getting your news from an e-mail We wanted to help and yes, you can send this to friends if you want . James

Friday, October 2, 2009

Auto surfing VS Manual surfing is one better

Auto surfing VS Manual surfing is one better

This is a question I have been asking for a long time. I have researched in depth for years. here is the pros and cons of both. while this is not perfect you just might see more benefit than you did before.

While manual surf carries a higher eyes on factor meaning more people see your site there is a lot to be said for the cost. I know its free right not at all.

Take you hourly rate at your Job lets use 10 dollars per hour now cut that in half that is your free time rate so 5 dollars per hour.
5 dollars per hour = free time wages
now how long do you manual surf? 1 or 2 hours a day? More?
Lets take 2 hours per day you spend manual surfing
so that’s 2 hours X $5 dollars for free time
That’s $10 dollars a day for manual surfing. Yes, if you surf 5 or 6 manual surfs at the same time you will get more for your 10 dollars but then your not looking at the ads at all.

Now lets take auto surfing
you turn it on and most of the time walk away you might take a peek now and then to see if it is still going
and you auto surf for 4 hours a day
you spent 0 dollars for 4 hours and saw 10 or so sites.
The first real conclusion is if you are going to sign up for an
auto surf only site - bad idea
manual surf only site - bad idea

The smart money is on an exchange that gives you both

earn all the auto credits you can then trade some of the auto credits for manual ones it will cost you a few credits but you still have your money remember auto surfing cost ($0)

Build a catchy, involved splash page. Splash pages are great for one major thing, getting people interested.
Splash pages work great in both auto and manual surfs and it will not clog up the home page of your site.
The only people that will click thru are the people that want what your offering.

Is manual better than Auto surfing? NO
Is auto surfing better than Manual? NO
Is it best to do both OH YES
This free advice is given to you by
to sign up for our auto & manual traffic exchange that includes Banner ads and text ads.
Go to


Thursday, October 1, 2009

what is 301 reditect and how will it work?

So is trying something called 301 redirect for about 23 of our URLs

what is a 301 redirect. The quick version is it is a germinate search engine friendly way to move a URL or page.

Why would you use it?

It is simple if you just park a URL it is now looked at like duplicate content no search engine likes this.

a 301 is the White hat way of pointing a URL some where else.

What are the benefits?

Its not real logical to ask every one linking to you to change the link
also its not easy to regain the Page rank or search engine love for the page

301 will do both to some degree google has no clear dry answer that I found but by all accounts this is the most accepted way ( not Spam)

To test one of my 301 redirects try
Today is October 1,2009 and I have all sites 301 redirecting with in 4 hours of set up.

I will update all the results as they occur
I am hoping for my PR rank to move up 1 or 2 spots and there to be 100 or so more links to my main site, I am checking with alexa and other sites for results

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

World wide Web success tip #1

Set your personal website or twitter or facebook ect. As your home page.

The quest for more traffic is right in front of you your own home Computer. This will give you at least one person visiting your site every day. And you will not be giving free traffic to other sites like Comcast who raise the price every week cause they have more and more people visiting there site by default everyday.

click on the tools tab then at the Internet options
there is a little window that looks like this --------->

now change the Blue part to your website or social network page.

Don’t give websites that charge you to use them and charge you to advertise on them more people to view ads and run up there rank (COMCAST AOL) and others places like Google and Yahoo are better but your own stuff is best.

Come see this page tomorrow for more real free tips and please visit us every day.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

10 great tips to get your website seen!

Let me start by saying any one who says they know the secrets to getting your website seen by every one is a scam artist.

With that said here is 5 tips your going to love.
and you can make your website stronger

#1 like what you do, love what your doing,

This one is about you. For example I like learning ways to gain traffic and don’t like health food. So why would I build a site for health food. The answer is I don’t and will not. But I try to learn something new every day when it comes to website traffic. So my sites and blogs and tweets and social networks all paint the same picture. I am not an expert but I know if I talk about health food on my site I loose why people are there.

#2 Like food web content is better fresh

Content is king use the first tip to build a daily routine to deliver you follower the freshest content with new ideas or a concept. This week I have watched Kanye West Keywords go all over the place if you were a gossip website and you were not first on this topic you missed the boat and the same goes for your field again if you a movie critic and you watched a great movie and copied some one else review your not going to be seen. Be original be spicy and be you ( the expert in that field see #3)

#3 Itch the Niche

You are using tip #1 And #2 your going to find yourself a niche market. This is a good thing this usually means you have become an expert in you area of the field your displaying on your site. The more people that lean on you for info the more visitors you will have. People visiting your site is like a popularity vote and when the view a second page its like a good review. The internet sees this as your not full of BS and reward you with rank PR and visitors. This is where you will start to see $ you can then offer space for sale on your site that is related to your niche and will have a higher earning potential.
(Remember you the professor in your NICHE so learn every day)

#4 learn the terms that are important to a basic website.

PR - do a Google or yahoo search and find out what Page rank is Links to - again Google and yahoo are a great place to start. Back links -reciprocating links -one way links -SEO -SEM -Keywords -meta tags -Site maps -

#5 toys and stuff

Do you have :
Video, pictures, polls, forums, memberships, newsletters, banners, a logo, slogan, if not build them, buy them, but do not steal them FRESH remember

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ablaze outage is over

As you noticed we had too many people on ablaze at one time. This caused us to go down for some time.
while this is a good problem to have. we need to see what can be done to grow with us.

Like other online companys (twitter) there is outages from time to time with major growth . Ablaze is now 3X the size it was 1 month ago.

Help us out surf all you can for the next 24 hours to stress test the system.
If you have any questions e-mail me at

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

ablazewithtraffic hits 1,000,000 in one week

Aug 26, 2009 – In true fashion there giving away 1 million credits this September to mark there huge achievement.
One million (1,000,000) hits in one week
One million hits is tough to do! How tough, here is the math if you refreshed once every second it would take you 1,000,000 seconds or 16666.67 minuets or 277.77 hours or 23.14 days that’s a long time to hit a button.

Ablaze with traffic owner James Dias wanted to thank all of the active surfers. He has set the rewards much higher you can win up to a 1,000 credits all month long. And random bonuses will be sent out.
If you want your website to get 1,000,000 hits go see and Join and surf today is the parent site to a top site for renters and rentals serving the San Francisco Bay Area. There network keeps growing. Ablaze for A Cure is there way to give back to help provide hope and fight cancer in all forms.

Monday, August 10, 2009

This weekend was a big huge success
Thank You active surfers and welcome new members.
We delivered over half a million credits on Saturday and Sunday.

Aug 19, 2009 is the 4 year mark when my mother left us to cancer (she was 45)
so we will not be doing much for admin on the 19th but any support you are willing to give my family and I will be appreciated.

On august 20, Ablaze For A Cure is going to be Helping Fight Breast Cancer and promoting prevention, information and more on Facebook. Join And Support us we want to get to 1000 members by September and remember 50% of all money spent here on is sent to fight cancer of all types.

Top recruiters to ablaze for a cure win prizes but if you’re an member you could win 25,000 auto credits if you beat me in members recruited to Ablaze For a Cure I have 41 right now!

We are trying to get the Ablazewithtraffic name out there so referrals still pay more than ever.

Thank you all so much Ablazewithtraffic is more fun then ever for me. And If you need me e-mail me.

If you have an idea or want to work closer to e-mail me at or

Thank you all for the help support and Surfing you are hands down the best.

James Dias
follow us on twitter @ablazetraffic

Monday, August 3, 2009

Ok so here is the stats for the First home on

Visitors to the site 1,200
Photos views 9,500+
Possible renters that walked thru the home 25+
Days live on over 500+ websites 8
rental applications submitted 5 is one of the best ways to get your home seen for under $200 dollars per month per home.

Want to set you property for rent ablaze with traffic? Call us 510 830 7213 ask for James Dias or visit us at is not property management we are a promotions only ad builder. We drive in market visitors to your Property for rent. Using our system you will meet more potential renters.

Thursday, July 30, 2009 Announces The Launch Of Announces The Launch Of has just rolled out there latest product to there extensive tool kit. They call it bay4rent .net and it has the punch of a 900 pound gorilla. is now open
PRLog (Press Release) – Jul 28, 2009 – has just rolled out there latest product to there extensive tool kit. They call it bay4rent .net and it has the punch of a 900 pound gorilla. With there first Home for rent under way the results are in. with over 650 click through in under a weeks time and an amazing almost 5400 page views this is the hottest way to list your place 4 rent on the net. James Dias is the CEO of and is hopping to launch a free posting service to this great site. Also plans for a renter to get pre qualified is under construction. James feels that the best way to get more people to his sites are to allow them to place ads. does have packages for Property managers and there business as well as a owner trying to rent out one place. You only need one renter for each Place but if we can get you 10 - 20 well then you have some choices. is a great tool and is a very one of a kind way to get your property for rent seen by a huge audience. For more information including pricing for this service go to and click on the Contact Us tab

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ablaze with traffic VS Reach local

OK so yesterday I get a call form a local Auto dealer. I have a bid in with them to increase there used car sales. The phone call ends with the dealer telling me that reach locals rep said my product does not work.

Ha ha I know this is a tactic used by companies that do not have real products or have less than average understanding with there own products.

I admit I was very upset when I was on the phone listening to this as I am a new company.
So I called them trying to speak to a supervisor. They have they have something like 8 phone numbers on there website and on the 10th attempt over the course of 2 days I finaly spoke with some one in the Tech side and they said they would call me Back …….
So I started to wait……and wait………..and well we both know no one is calling me back.

But then I started thinking since there never going to call me back I will call them out to hundreds of dealers here in California. I issue a challenge to you all at reach local
Will you go head to head with to see if you are actually better than us.

And if so have a member of the upper management call me this Number (510) 830-7213or talk to your recruiter who called me earlier that morning to offer me a job with reach local. My name is James Dias I am the owner of

While this to remain light hearted in nature you should not talk down a product that you and your team know nothing about. Or accept the challenge and know that ablaze with traffic can do everything reach local can do plus more and for less than half the price.

If reach local has visited your Bay Area auto dealership ask them to accept the challenge from for your dealer today

Friday, June 5, 2009

Penske dealership chain to take over the Saturn line from GM.

Penske dealership chain to take over the Saturn line from GM.

This is a big deal due to the fact that the dealerships that sell cars are now owning the company of the product they sell.

This is good news for GM who is cash straped Bankrupt and on the edge of systematic melt down. They are selling some of the smaller profit lines to save the ones that can hold a profit.


Is this could bad news for the saturn customers that have worked up some small level of brand loyalty. as a dealership owning a franchise is also the dealer this could drive up the prices.

but the man at the at fhe front of the company looking to releave GM ot its satun line Rodger Penske runs one of the most sucessful dealer groups in the US.

It is amazing to me that the dealers are still able to fight back to gain some ground.

If this goes through this will pose real mixed emotions for consumers, investors and dealers.

Ablaze with traffic is our business. We promote websites autos and for rent.
come see us at