Monday, May 23, 2011

Super Traffic Highway - My traffic exchange review!

Hilbert Gavel Owner Admin

On the Home page the Truck is a great mascots One thing notices is the image for the page and the background don’t quite match it looks a little off but that is cosmetic

the sites home page is is basic and simple with some detail

In the members area the display for functions is straight for simple to use

The surf is good I love the signs ( Im a very big fan of the signs) the chat is not matching with the surf 100% but again cosmetic and maybe add a little color to the surfbars it feels a little unfinished in the surf area

This traffic exchange receives a YES recommendation and a grade of a B -

You can Join STH here:

And that is My traffic exchange 2 cents

James Dias


  1. Thanks for the blog post. I have made changes to the surfbar and I am working to change chat as soon as I can. Look for the change real soon

  2. Hillbert that is super cool. Thanks for the update and I also seen the plog post too

  3. New Chat system installed this morning. Come on over and take a look around
